Tuesday, January 13, 2009

don't look too far away...

i believe that we are all concern about the killings going on now at palestine. no need for me to tell all that anymore. rite? but i think we might be looking too far away. what i mean is, it is ok to help others who are in need. but before we are able to do all that, we need to help ourselves first.

tp ntah la...

because at the same time, we cannot be selfish. rite?

rapes, murders, robbery, all that happen here in our country. only not as cruel, and brutal as the zionis. but hell, it happens, every single day;and the number increases.

what is happening to the world?
are humans evolving?
becoming more and more like beasts?

i once saw a cat, crimpled and old, trying to mate with its own daughter...(??????...daughter kucing...hehehehe...incest la senang cite....)... and that makes me wonder... manusia yang ikut binatang... ataupun binatang yang dah mula tiru manusia....ataupun manusia tu memang binatang...

sama2 la kita muhasabah...


  1. sampai satu tahap manusia adalah haiwan berakal...

    itu satu perkara biasa bila perkara-perkara buruk berlaku di luar kita sibuk-sibuk...

    tembelang sendiri ada masalah semua pakat tutup mulut...

